El Carranc Del Perellonet - Valencia

#20 - Kawiarnie - Lago de la Plana, Kawa, Desery
Avinguda De Les Gavines, 141, 46012 Valencia (Valencia), Spain

El Carranc Del Perellonet

2.8 / 5 z 4 recenzji
Avinguda De Les Gavines, 141, 46012 Valencia (Valencia), Spain

Sprzężenie zwrotne

★ 2.8 / 5 z 4 recenzji

Średnia ewaluacja El Carranc Del Perellonet wynosząca 2.8 wskazuje na mieszane opinie.

For my opinion, it's the worst restaurant I've ever visited. The treatment by the staff is humi...

the carranc of the perellonet is in valence. has the best services for so customers. offers the...

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