
Aktualnie możesz skorzystać z 49 ocenionych 1 stron (strony). Średnia ocena dla Cable Cook House Cafe to 4, co wskazuje, że goście bardzo wysoko oceniają tę restaurację.

Całkowity wynik całkowity
4 z 5
Imponujący | 49 Opinie

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3.2 ★ z 5 Opinie

You wait a long time for your food and it is not very good. We were there for lunch and there was a couple that came in after us and they got their food first.

Whilst overnighting in Sayward, we visited the Cable House for breakfast. We were made welcome by the owner/chef and the local customers. We enjoyed an excellen...

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The staff was friendly, lots to look at in and outside the restaurant but the menu was limited and the food average. This is a nice place to spend some time loo...

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Ein uriges Haus mit Drahtseilen eingefasst und einige alte verrostete Maschinen welche früher für die Holzverarbeitung benützt wurden, mehr gibt's nicht. Wer no...

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Eight of us arrived and all ordered something different. One waitress and chef with a huge heart served us as if what we wanted mattered. I enjoyed my berry com...

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Dobrze oceniane restauracje w pobliżu Sayward

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Otwórz teraz
Miasto: Sayward, 1582 Sayward Rd, Sayward I-V0P 1R0, Canada
Tutaj znajdziesz menu z The Crossroads And Pub w Sayward. Aktualnie dostępne są 1 dania i napoje na karcie. Sezonowe lub tygodniowe oferty możesz zapytać przez telefon.
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Otwórz teraz
Miasto: Sayward, Highway 19 Near Sayward Road, Sayward, British Columbia, Canada, V0P1R0
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